mercredi 29 juin 2016

wordpress ... toggle the new comment_form

I am trying to insert a link to toggle the comment_form using jQuery onclick, but it does not work ...

In my comments.php , I added the following html around the comment_form() :

      <p>BEFORE FORM</p>
      <a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="jQuery('#add-comment).toggle();">Toggle comment-form</a>
      <div id="add-comment" style:"display:none;">

        <?php $comments_args = array(

      <p>AFTER FORM</p>       

and to be sure jQuery is loaded, I added the following code in my functions.php

if (!is_admin()) add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", "my_jquery_enqueue", 11);
function my_jquery_enqueue() {
   wp_register_script('jquery', "http" . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? "s" : "") . "://", false, null);

the link is correctly displaed but the form is not hidden and the toggle does not activate .. where am I wrong ?

thanks for feedback

via Chebli Mohamed

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