lundi 19 octobre 2015

qTranslare X not trasnlating static text on frontend

I havent found an answer so i presume is something little common.

I have set up qTranlate X and lang switching works fine anf dynamic content (posts/custom posts) gets translated.

BUT static strings on frontend are not getting translated.

Im using:

<p>[:en]English Text[:es]Español[:]</p> 

and its not working as it outputs the same text ([:en]English Text[:es]Español[:])

I have tried converting the databse : qtranslate config menu > Import/export >> Convert database to the "square bracket only" style.

I have also tried other ways of doing the same but still NOT working :

<!--en-->English Text  <!--:-->  

Any ideas on what is failing?

I have also used polylang and wpml on this site, well no used it really, but I have activated this plugins before and now are deleted, but didnt finish using them.

via Chebli Mohamed

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