meta_id | post_id | meta_key | meta_value
1 | 101 | quantity | 8
2 | 101 | price | 100
3 | 102 | quantity | 7
4 | 102 | price | 56
5 | 103 | quantity | 12
6 | 103 | price | 256
post_id | name | about
101 | Pencil | Luxurious pencil only for you
102 | Eraser | All your mistakes, gone!
103 | Pen | Unrivaled penmanship, stronger than sword.
How to do a query to post id and get post : name,about with meta: value, price and quantity in a single go?
so the results will be
101 | Pencil | Luxurious pencil only for you | 8 | 100
102 | Eraser | All your mistakes, gone! | 7 | 56
101 | Pencil | All your mistakes, gone! | 12 | 256
Thank you
via Chebli Mohamed
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