lundi 4 avril 2016

GoogleAppEngine wordpress complains (Could not create directory) on update and plugin install

I have a problem updating wordpress or installing wordpress plugin in my local version of google app engine. I get the following message.

Downloading install package from

Unpacking the package…

Could not create directory.

With the same code base I am able install plugin using MAMP (Macintosh, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). However fails with google Pyton script ( I tried changing the permission of the file system by giving privilege to all user for write. Tried executing as sudo .. Followed the advice in other post, No luck.

Whats the problem here?, With MAMP all looks good in my local, but the same code break as I deploy to GAE (​ -A APP-ID update app.yaml). Whats the problem here

via Chebli Mohamed

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