I have a Handlebars script that I am trying to get to iterate through an object to my 'template' below. Even though I can see the 'badNodes' in the object (an object when i do a console.log(row) it doesn't ever pass to the template and all I see is a blank entry next to address in the view/template.
Can anyone suggest what I may have done wrong - P.S I am new to Handlebars.js
<script class="template" type="text/html">
<div class="badNodesContainer">
<div class="hash{{badNodes.hash}} help-tip">
<strong>Address: </strong>{{badNodes.address}}</br>
// latter part of ajax request
.done(function (data, result, jqXHR) {
var checkinData = JSON.parse(data).data;
var rows = [];
//_.templateSettings.variable = "badNode";
var source = $("script.template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
$.each(checkinData, function (index, row) {
row.badNodesHTML = "";
var AB_action_login = '<a class="btn btn-default btn-sm" style="width:70px;text-align:left;" target="_blank" href="http://ift.tt/1UDi11H' + row.user + '&hash=' + row.signature + '"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> App</a>';
if (row.postid == null) {
var AB_action_order = '<a class="btn btn-default btn-sm hidden" disabled="disabled" style="width:70px;text-align:left;" target="_blank" href="http://ift.tt/1PQ6y0U' + row.postid + '&action=edit"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Order</a>';
} else {
var AB_action_order = '<a class="btn btn-default btn-sm" style="width:70px;text-align:left;" target="_blank" href="http://ift.tt/1PQ6y0U' + row.postid + '&action=edit"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Order</a>';
row.AB_login = AB_action_login;
row.AB_order = AB_action_order;
row.AB_actions = AB_action_login + AB_action_order;
if (row.badNodes.length) {
$.each(row.badNodes, function (idx, badNode) {
badNode.address = /:(.+)/.exec(badNode.address)[1];
row.badNodesHTML += template(badNode);
via Chebli Mohamed
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