At work, I've been tasked with modifying the Wordpress Social Board plugin by duplicating their RSS feed functionality to display an XML feed specific to our calendaring system.
For example, this is what our XML feed outputs:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<displayedsponsor>Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center, The Division of Student Affairs</displayedsponsor>
<title>New 2 'Quse Discussion Group</title>
<description>New 2 'Quse is a discussion group for students who are new to SU/ESF and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, and ally (LGBTQA) campus communities.</description>
<location>LGBT Resource Center (750 Ostrom)</location>
<contact_name>Abby Fite</contact_name>
<recordchangedtime>2015-12-02 13:26:55</recordchangedtime>
There is one place in the code that actually formats their RSS feed:
elseif ( $feed_class == 'rss' ) {
$rss_output = (@$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_output']) ? $this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_output'] : array('title' => true, 'thumb' => true, 'text' => true, 'user' => true, 'tags' => false, 'share' => true, 'info' => true);
$iframe = @$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_iframe'];
$fcount = 0;
if ( $channel = @$feed->channel ) { // rss
if (@$channel->item)
foreach($channel->item as $item) {
$link = @$item->link;
if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) {
$thumb = $url = '';
foreach($item->children('media', true)->thumbnail as $thumbnail) {
$thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url;
if ( ! $thumb) {
foreach($item->children('media', true)->content as $content) {
$thumb = $content->children('media', true)->thumbnail->attributes()->url;
if (@$content->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg')
$url = @$content->attributes()->url;
if ( ! $thumb) {
if (@$item->enclosure->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg')
$thumb = @$item->enclosure->attributes()->url;
if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags'])
foreach($item->category as $category) {
$cats[] = (string) $category;
// set Snippet or Full Text
$text = $description = '';
if (@$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_text'])
$description = $item->description;
$description = (@$item->children("content", true)->encoded) ? $item->children("content", true)->encoded : $item->description;
if (@$description) {
$description = preg_replace("/<script.*?\/script>/s", "", $description);
if (@$attr['words']) {
if ( ! $thumb) {
$thumb = sb_getsrc($description);
$text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link);
} else {
$text = $description;
if ($iframe) {
if ( ! $url)
$url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '';
$sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->pubDate, $link);
$itemdata = array(
'thumb' => (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '',
'thumburl' => $url,
'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($item->title) : $item->title) . '</a>',
'text' => $text,
'tags' => @implode(', ', $cats),
'url' => $link,
'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '',
'date' => $item->pubDate,
'user' => array(
'name' => $channel->title,
'url' => $channel->link,
'image' => @$channel->image->url
'type' => 'pencil',
'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0])
$final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( isset($slideshow) ) {
$itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description);
if ($url)
$itemdata['thumb'] = $url;
$finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( $fcount >= $results ) break;
} elseif ( $entry = @$feed->entry ) { // atom
// get feed link
foreach($feed->link as $link) {
if ($link->attributes()->rel == 'alternate')
$user_url = $link->attributes()->href;
foreach($feed->entry as $item) {
$link = @$item->link[0]->attributes()->href;
if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) {
$title = (string) $item->title;
$thumb = $url = '';
foreach($item->media as $thumbnail) {
$thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url;
if ( ! $thumb) {
foreach($item->link as $linkitem) {
if (@$linkitem->attributes()->rel == 'enclosure') {
if (@$linkitem->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg')
$thumb = @$content->attributes()->url;
$cats = '';
if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags']) {
foreach($item->category as $category) {
$cats .= $category->attributes()->term.', ';
$cats = rtrim($cats, ", ");
// set Snippet or Full Text
$text = $description = '';
if (@$this->sboption['section_rss']['rss_text']) {
$description = (string) $item->summary;
} else {
$content = (string) @$item->content;
$description = ($content) ? $content : (string) $item->summary;
if (@$description) {
if (@$attr['words']) {
if ( ! $thumb) {
$thumb = sb_getsrc($description);
$text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link);
else {
$text = $description;
if ($iframe)
$url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '';
$sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->published, $link);
$itemdata = array(
'thumb' => @$thumb,
'thumburl' => $url,
'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($title) : $title) . '</a>',
'text' => @$text,
'tags' => @$cats,
'url' => $link,
'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '',
'date' => $item->published,
'user' => array(
'name' => $feed->title,
'url' => @$user_url,
'image' => @$feed->logo
'type' => 'pencil',
'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0])
$final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( isset($slideshow) ) {
$itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description);
if ($url)
$itemdata['thumb'] = $url;
$finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( $fcount >= $results ) break;
I've duplicated the code into another feed class and modified, but it is not pulling any values it seems:
elseif ( $feed_class == 'dsa' ) {
$rss_output = (@$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_output']) ? $this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_output'] : array('title' => true, 'thumb' => true, 'text' => true, 'user' => true, 'tags' => false, 'share' => true, 'info' => true);
$iframe = @$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_iframe'];
$fcount = 0;
if ( $channel = @$feed->events ) { // rss
if (@$channel->event)
foreach($channel->event as $item) {
$link = @$item->displayedsponsorurl;
if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) {
$thumb = $url = '';
foreach($item->children('media', true)->thumbnail as $thumbnail) {
$thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url;
if ( ! $thumb) {
foreach($item->children('media', true)->content as $content) {
$thumb = $content->children('media', true)->thumbnail->attributes()->url;
if (@$content->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg')
$url = @$content->attributes()->url;
if ( ! $thumb) {
if (@$item->enclosure->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg')
$thumb = @$item->enclosure->attributes()->url;
if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags'])
foreach($item->category as $category) {
$cats[] = (string) $category;
// set Snippet or Full Text
$text = $description = '';
if (@$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_text'])
$description = $item->description;
$description = (@$item->children("content", true)->encoded) ? $item->children("content", true)->encoded : $item->description;
if (@$description) {
$description = preg_replace("/<script.*?\/script>/s", "", $description);
if (@$attr['words']) {
if ( ! $thumb) {
$thumb = sb_getsrc($description);
$text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link);
} else {
$text = $description;
if ($iframe) {
if ( ! $url)
$url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '';
$sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->pubDate, $link);
$itemdata = array(
'thumb' => (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '',
'thumburl' => $url,
'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($item->title) : $item->title) . '</a>',
'text' => $text,
'tags' => @implode(', ', $cats),
'url' => $link,
'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '',
'date' => $item->date,
'user' => array(
'name' => $channel->title,
'url' => $channel->link,
'image' => @$channel->image->url
'type' => 'pencil',
'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0])
$final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( isset($slideshow) ) {
$itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description);
if ($url)
$itemdata['thumb'] = $url;
$finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( $fcount >= $results ) break;
} elseif ( $entry = @$feed->entry ) { // atom
// get feed link
foreach($feed->link as $link) {
if ($link->attributes()->rel == 'alternate')
$user_url = $link->attributes()->href;
foreach($feed->entry as $item) {
$link = @$item->link[0]->attributes()->href;
if ( $this->make_remove($link) ) {
$title = (string) $item->title;
$thumb = $url = '';
foreach($item->media as $thumbnail) {
$thumb = $thumbnail->attributes()->url;
if ( ! $thumb) {
foreach($item->link as $linkitem) {
if (@$linkitem->attributes()->rel == 'enclosure') {
if (@$linkitem->attributes()->type == 'image/jpeg')
$thumb = @$content->attributes()->url;
$cats = '';
if (@$item->category && @$rss_output['tags']) {
foreach($item->category as $category) {
$cats .= $category->attributes()->term.', ';
$cats = rtrim($cats, ", ");
// set Snippet or Full Text
$text = $description = '';
if (@$this->sboption['section_dsa']['dsa_text']) {
$description = (string) $item->summary;
} else {
$content = (string) @$item->content;
$description = ($content) ? $content : (string) $item->summary;
if (@$description) {
if (@$attr['words']) {
if ( ! $thumb) {
$thumb = sb_getsrc($description);
$text = $this->word_limiter($description, $link);
else {
$text = $description;
if ($iframe)
$url = (@$thumb) ? $thumb : '';
$sbi = $this->make_timestr($item->published, $link);
$itemdata = array(
'thumb' => @$thumb,
'thumburl' => $url,
'title' => '<a href="' . $link . '"'.$target.'>' . (@$attr['titles'] ? $this->title_limiter($title) : $title) . '</a>',
'text' => @$text,
'tags' => @$cats,
'url' => $link,
'iframe' => $iframe ? 'icbox' : '',
'date' => $item->published,
'user' => array(
'name' => $feed->title,
'url' => @$user_url,
'image' => @$feed->logo
'type' => 'pencil',
'icon' => array(@$themeoption['social_icons'][12], @$themeoption['type_icons'][0])
$final[$sbi] = $layoutobj->sb_create_item($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( isset($slideshow) ) {
$itemdata['text'] = @$this->format_text($description);
if ($url)
$itemdata['thumb'] = $url;
$finalslide[$sbi] = $slidelayoutobj->sb_create_slideitem($feed_class, $itemdata, $attr, $rss_output, $sbi);
if ( $fcount >= $results ) break;
I apologize for this being a highly specific question. I am inexperienced with PHP, especially for Wordpress plugins and have been tasked to get this working ASAP...
Am I just missing something with the operators not pulling in the values? I haven't set all the values yet, I'm just modifying the ones that already exist before moving onto adding anything.
There are no direct errors my logs pulled, so I believe it's just not pulling in the right values, but I'm not sure how to fix that.
via Chebli Mohamed
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