mardi 3 novembre 2015

Generate related jobs of categories

i need some help and probably its not hard for a good php programmer.
The code is below and i need for every category the right job to be filtered in.

The result should be:

category 1
job1 of category1
job2 of category1
job2 of category1

category 2
job1 of category2
job2 of category2
job2 of category2

and so on.....

i hope somebody can help me. sry for my bad english but iam not a native speaker.

<?php $job_categories = wpjb_form_get_categories();
    foreach ($job_categories as $cat) : ?>
        <?php $param["category"] = $cat["id"] ?>                

 <h2><?php echo $cat["description"] ?></h2>

        <div class="wpjb-job-list">

        <?php $result = wpjb_find_jobs($param) ?>
        <?php if ($result->count) : foreach($result->job as $job): ?>
        <?php /* @var $job Wpjb_Model_Job */ ?>
        <?php $this->job = $job; ?>
        <?php $this->render("index-item.php") ?>

        <?php endforeach; else :?>
        <div class="wpjb-grid-row">
            <?php _e("No job listings found.", "wpjobboard"); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>


  <?php endforeach; ?>  

via Chebli Mohamed

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